
The Wellness Society’s 30 Day Mental Health Challenge

Want to take control of your mental health?

Enjoy the challenge of completing a structured program?

Need a makeover for your mind?

If so, this 30 Day Mental Health Challenge is for you!

This Challenge Can Help You:


Begin a Transformative
30 Day Journey

This challenge goes much deeper than other options available for free online. You’ll explore:

  • Numerous therapy techniques to help you manage your mind
  • Setting healthy boundaries and improving your relationships
  • Understanding your needs
  • Using Jungian dream analysis to understand yourself better
  • Improving your gut health and reducing inflammation
  • Setting a new personal goal that excites and inspires you
  • And more!

Who’s This Challenge For?

Whether you're dealing with anxiety, stress, or low mood, or simply want to build mental resilience, this challenge can help you take control of your mental wellbeing.

It’s for people who’ve purchased The Mental Wellbeing Toolkit or The Mindfulness Journal who want to solidify and build on their learning.

The challenge adopts a trauma-informed approach and is particularly relevant to people who've experienced relational trauma.

Receive Content Direct to Your Inbox

Content is sent direct to your email inbox at 8am daily in your time zone.

The format is bite-sized lessons (text, images and PDFs) plus a relevant daily challenge.

Each day, you'll complete a small action step towards a happier, more fulfilled you.

By the end of this experience, you’ll have a toolkit of strategies to improve your mental health, achieve your goals, and live a more fulfilled life.


Challenge Preview

30 day mental health challenge

Click to download PDF overview

30 day mental health challenge preview

Click to download challenge sample

Example Challenges

  • Think about a situation in your past relationships where you felt dissatisfied. Which relationship needs were being neglected?
  • Don't enjoy cooking? Or don't have the time/energy for it right now? Review ​this PDF​ of low-effort anti-inflammatory meals and choose one to try either today or this week.
  • Reflect on a recent situation where you've been focusing on the negatives. Now, think of at least three positive aspects you might have overlooked.
  • Practice a sound meditation by listening to Experience by Ludovico Einaudi. Notice the layers of the music, the different sounds that build upon each other. Whenever your mind wanders, bring your attention back to what you can hear.

All exercises are designed to easily fit into your day.

Ready to transform your mental (and physical!) wellbeing?

Enrol and begin your journey today!

Special Offer: As part of our commitment to accessibility, the challenge is now available for $35, down from the original price of $57. Our goal is to provide you with a transformative experience that’s both highly valuable and accessible.

Enrol Now - $35

What Do I Need to Complete
The Challenge?

Although it’s not strictly necessary, we highly recommend investing in a journal.

Compared to just thinking, writing helps you to slow down and clarify your thoughts.

This process often reveals patterns that might not be immediately obvious when you're simply thinking.

You can also use your journal to track your progress, store your PDFs, and record your achievements – it’s a great way to stay motivated!

A Clear Path Toward Profound Personal Growth

"The unexamined life is not worth living." – Socrates

Discover exercises designed to help you break free from rumination and identify unhelpful thinking patterns before they hijack your mood.

A structured program for developing self-awareness, cultivating optimism, and setting a new personal goal that excites and inspires you.

A Tool for Life

Feel like you need regular reminders to keep your mental health journey on track?

This challenge is here to help.

Unlimited re-enrols allow you to use this as a makeover for your mind whenever you need it.

It's a tool for life with a one-off payment – no subscription fees.

We'll also notify you via email whenever the course has been substantially updated.

You can access it whenever you need – just email us to re-enrol for free.

Enrol Now - $35


1When will I receive the emails?
You’ll receive the first email within 1-2 working days of enrolling in the challenge. Emails are sent at 8am daily and are tailored to your time zone.
2Can I participate in the challenge if I live outside the US or UK?
Absolutely! You can participate from anywhere. The challenge is designed to be accessible internationally. As mentioned above, the challenge is tailored to your time zone.
3Is this challenge designed to replace therapy?

Research shows that many self-help tools are often enough for people to overcome mild to moderate mental health difficulties without professional support.

As an organisation, we aim to bridge the gap for people who cannot afford long-term therapy. We strive to provide resources that are deep enough to stimulate the same insights that can be gained in therapy.

This challenge is also an excellent supplement to therapy, helping you reinforce your learning and accelerate your progress.

We strongly encourage you to seek the support of a trained professional if your mental health issues persist after working through the challenge, or if at any point you feel too overwhelmed emotionally or physiologically.

4Who are the authors of the challenge?
This challenge has been co-created by a number of professionals and people with lived experience of mental health issues – we believe this approach is essential to creating high-quality self-help tools. Our co-creators include licensed clinical psychologists, counselors and trained coaches, as well as people with personal experience of poor mental wellbeing. We actively seek user feedback to consistently improve the challenge.
5Do I need to have The Mental Wellbeing Toolkit and/or The Mindfulness Journal to complete this challenge?
No. But we recommend you do! We've designed this challenge to solidify and build on the learning in our premium tools.
6Who is the challenge for?

The challenge is for anyone who wants to work on improving their mental and physical wellbeing.

If you've purchased The Mental Wellbeing Toolkit or The Mindfulness Journal, it's designed to solidify and build on your learning, helping you create change that sticks.

The challenge is also particularly relevant to people who've experienced relational trauma.

7Is your website secure? What are your payment methods?
Yes, our website is secure. You’ll see the ‘https://’ at the start of our website address which indicates this is a secure site. We use both Paypal and Stripe payment methods. Paypal is a secure and encrypted payment processor used by 173 million people worldwide. Stripe allows you to pay by card and is a PCI Service Provider Level 1 which is the highest grade of payment processing security. Please rest assured that your payment information is safe and secure.
8I have a question. How can I contact you?
Use the chat icon at the bottom of this page to send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Start Your Journey Today

Enrol Now - $35